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General Terms and Conditions (GTC)

General Terms and Conditions of Schneesportschule Schauinsland GmbH

1. Scope

The basis of the contractual relationship between Schneesportschule Schauinsland and the customer is exclusively the following General Terms and Conditions in their version valid at the time of the contract conclusion. Deviating general terms and conditions of the customer are not recognized unless Schneesportschule Schauinsland expressly agrees to their validity in writing.

2. Contract Partner/Services

  1. The contract partner for the services is Schneesportschule Schauinsland GmbH.
  2. Lift tickets are not included in the services of Schneesportschule Schauinsland. Lift tickets must be purchased at the lifts at the customer’s own expense.
  3. Equipment is not included in the services of Schneesportschule Schauinsland. Participants must either bring their personal equipment to the course themselves or rent or buy equipment from a local provider at their own expense. We recommend the rental service by Georg Rees, the head of Schneesportschule Schauinsland, Silberbergstr. 35, 79254 Oberried-Hofsgrund.

3. Offer and Contract Conclusion

  1. Bookings for services and courses can be made at Schneesportschule Schauinsland, via the internet, or by email. Telephone bookings are not possible and do not establish a contractual relationship with the customer.
  2. A contract is concluded in any case only through written confirmation by Schneesportschule Schauinsland or through a confirmation by email from Schneesportschule Schauinsland.
  3. Orders/inquiries from customers are therefore offers that Schneesportschule Schauinsland must expressly accept. The specific scope of services results exclusively from the order confirmation by Schneesportschule Schauinsland. Oral or telephone side agreements are only valid with express written confirmation/email confirmation by Schneesportschule Schauinsland.
  4. Offers on the website of Schneesportschule Schauinsland are solely invitations to potential customers to submit an offer.

4. Prices/Price Changes

  1. All prices listed on the website, in print media, etc., of Schneesportschule Schauinsland include the applicable statutory value-added tax.
  2. Schneesportschule Schauinsland reserves the right to change course prices.

5. Payment Methods

  1. The customer can generally choose between the following payment methods:
    • Credit card (VISA/MAESTRO)
    • EC card/Giropay
    • Apple Pay
    • Payment via instant transfer and Klarna
  2. If a payment by the customer is subsequently reversed or becomes ineffective for other reasons, Schneesportschule Schauinsland can charge an additional processing fee of 10.00 euros in addition to the course fees due.
  3. Credit card payments for the ski school are collected by TREKKSOFT AG, Hauptstrasse 15, 3800 Matten, Switzerland (“TREKKSOFT”). TREKKSOFT will appear as TREKKSOFT TOUR BOOKING on the customer’s credit card statement. The domain in which the customer enters and processes their payment is owned and operated by TREKKSOFT. Please send an email to support(at) for all inquiries regarding your credit card payments and chargebacks.

6. Cancellation/Withdrawal/Missed Course Days

a. Cancellation/Withdrawal by the Customer

  1. The customer may withdraw from the contract up to 14 days before the course starts without giving any reason. Already paid course fees will be refunded in this case. The withdrawal can be communicated to Schneesportschule Schauinsland in writing by letter or by email.
  2. In case of a withdrawal from the contract up to 7 days before the course starts, 50% of the course fees will be due. The rest will be refunded.
  3. In case of a withdrawal from the contract less than 7 days before the course starts, 75% of the course fees will be due. The rest will be refunded by Schneesportschule Schauinsland.
  4. After the start of the first course day, no refund is possible.
  5. Exceptionally, a (partial) refund of course fees in the form of a credit note before the start of the first course day is possible in case of illness/accident of the course participant. The course participant must present a corresponding medical certificate to Schneesportschule Schauinsland, proving that participation in the course is not possible for health reasons. A (partial) refund will be granted if it seems reasonable in the individual case and special reasons justify it. In these cases, it is at the sole discretion and judgment of Schneesportschule Schauinsland whether and to what extent a (partial) refund can be granted. The course participant has no legal claim to a refund.
  6. For each cancellation by the customer and a corresponding (possibly only partial) refund of course fees, Schneesportschule Schauinsland may charge a processing fee of 10.00 euros. b. Cancellation/Withdrawal/Change by Schneesportschule Schauinsland
  7. Schneesportschule Schauinsland may at any time change, postpone, shorten the duration of, or cancel the booked service/course if
    1. safe conduct of the course is not possible due to weather conditions;
    2. the course cannot be conducted for other safety reasons.
    3. there are not enough participants for group courses (usually at least 5 participants).
  8. In the event of a cancellation of the booked service by the customer due to a circumstance according to section 1, the customer will receive a credit note for the price paid for the course.
  9. If, due to exceptional circumstances, such as poor snow and/or weather conditions, the courses cannot be held at the notified location, Schneesportschule Schauinsland may designate another location for the course. Choosing another course location does not require the participant’s consent, provided this alternative offer does not result in significant additional costs for the participant.
  10. Each participant is responsible for staying informed about weather-related changes to the course schedule. Course cancellations or relocations will be announced on the website of Schneesportschule Schauinsland. c. Missed Course Days Refunds of course fees for missed course days are excluded.

7. Course Execution

  1. Each participant is responsible for the safety of their own equipment.
  2. The driving style of participants must always correspond to their own abilities.
  3. Instructions from the teaching staff of Schneesportschule Schauinsland must be followed.
  4. The participant undertakes to observe and comply with the FIS rules for snow sports at all times during the course. The FIS rules can be viewed on the website of the German Ski Instructors Association, among others.

8. Exclusion of Participants

Schneesportschule Schauinsland may exclude a participant from the course in the following cases:

  1. Complaints from other participants, parents, teaching staff about the inappropriate behavior of a participant during the course,
  2. Noted inappropriate behavior of a participant,
  3. The justified suspicion of alcohol or drug use by a participant,
  4. Other (expected) significant disruptions of the course process or other participants,
  5. Obvious deficiencies in the participant’s equipment or abilities,
  6. Notable symptoms of illness such as high fever, cough, or runny nose of a participant. In such cases, the right to a refund of paid fees is void.

9. Liability

  1. The use of lift facilities and marked slopes is at the user’s own risk and responsibility. Schneesportschule Schauinsland is not responsible for the proper operation and maintenance or grooming of the slopes. The customer may not leave secured slopes during the course without the express consent of the teaching staff.
  2. Schneesportschule Schauinsland assumes no liability for the condition of the participants’ equipment – neither for participants’ own equipment nor for rented equipment. Schneesportschule will not inspect participants’ equipment. Participants are advised to have this done by knowledgeable individuals before the course.
  3. Schneesportschule does not store skis, snowboards, boots, accessories, clothing, money, and/or other personal belongings of participants. All items/belongings of participants remain in the custody of their respective owners during the lesson or lesson breaks.
  4. Liability for breaches of duty by employees of Schneesportschule Schauinsland is limited to intent and gross negligence as far as legally permissible. This does not apply to liability for damages resulting from injury to life, body, or health.

10. Credits and Vouchers

  1. For credits, the customer receives a voucher. This is restricted to a specific service and can only be redeemed for that service.
  2. A credit does not entitle the holder to a place in a specific course. Nor does it entitle the holder to the execution of a course at a specific time if the course can be changed, postponed, or canceled according to Section 6, letter b, para. 1 of these GTC.
  3. Vouchers issued by Schneesportschule Schauinsland are valid for two years. They expire at the end of the year two years after the purchase date.
  4. The value of the voucher is limited to the amount entered there. If the fee for the service is higher at the time of redemption due to an adjustment, the customer must pay the difference.

11. Final Provisions

Should one or more clauses of these General Terms and Conditions (GTC) be invalid, this does not affect the remaining provisions. The statutory provisions then apply additionally.